Education is expensive, so much so that the majority of low-income Americans can’t afford to put their child through college, or at least not at some prestigious educational institution.
That being said, a better-known university is much more valued in the eyes of potential employers than a community college diploma is, and as flawed as it may sound, it’s how it’s been for decades.
Thankfully, the federal government has made sure that education is accessible to everyone, regardless of their background, which is why scholarships for Americans belonging to minority groups exist.
From people coming from a certain racial or ethnic background to LGBTQ or first-generation college students, the options are practically endless, and there’s something for everyone, so long as you meet the requirements for receiving a scholarship through these programs.
Usually, this money is given away by organizations that generally work with these minority groups and help support them in life and education.
The basics
If you begin exploring the options that are available to you, you may find that there’s a lot more than you could’ve ever anticipated, and organizations will offer scholarships to a wide variety of students with different circumstances.
The most obvious ones are scholarships for students belonging to certain ethnic or racial groups, which is what enabled so many Black or Latino Americans to take up a higher education even though they may not have been able to afford it normally.
On the other hand, you also have scholarships for students belonging to the LGBTQ+ community, and while one could argue that the only thing setting them apart from the rest is their sexuality, which has almost nothing to do with education, the fact still remains that they’re a minority group that often gets mistreated in today’s society.
Finally, we have scholarships for disabled students which focus on giving everyone an equal opportunity, even if they’re prevented from interacting with the world the way anyone else does because of their disability.
You may find that the requirements for each of the aforementioned scholarship options will vary greatly based on where you’re applying from and what your circumstances are.
On top of this, the organization offering the scholarship has the full right to create their own requirements for receiving these benefits as well as reserve the right to refuse to give their scholarship to anyone.
Despite this, there’s still a general idea of what these requirements look like, and much like the majority of other assistance programs, the most important thing is having proof of being a legal US citizen.
However, unlike a standard assistance program, scholarships will demand to see your GPA and any history of community service or work you may have.
This will contribute greatly to your application, and if the organization awarding the scholarship sees that you’ve got potential, they’re much more likely to give money to you rather than to someone who’s been failing grades.
Much like the requirements, the application process itself will vary based on what organization you’re applying with, including some minor changes to the paperwork you may be required to submit upon applying.
Apart from these differences, every application will have similar transcript requirements and require you to write an essay along with a completed application, which will help the committee determine whether you’re going to get approved for a scholarship or not.
Make sure to slowly go over the instructions for the application process, as one small mistake could lead to your application being denied, meaning that you’ll have to try again at a later date.
By submitting correct documentation and data, you’re ensuring that the only thing between you and your scholarship is someone who may end up scoring better than you, rather than having to worry about why you’re not getting approved for something you should’ve “clearly” won.
What to expect
These scholarships will vary immensely based on the organization providing them, so don’t be surprised if you notice that your first choice is offering a lot less money than some other organization, even if they’re a much more favorable option.
Regardless of the amount, apply to the program that you feel is the best fit for you and your circumstances, and if you stick around for long enough, it’ll definitely be worth your while.
Education is a treasure, and it should be one that we cherish, and as expensive as it can be at times, it’s valuable enough to justify it, especially if you consider the high quality of education you’ll be getting at some prestigious American university.
Some scholarships will go as high as $5k whereas others will only offer you $1k, and it’ll be up to you to weigh between the money and the benefits you’ll be entitled to with the scholarship of your choice.