After suffering third-degree burns from a gasoline fire while tinkering on a vehicle, Jay Leno proudly displayed his “unbelievable” healed face. Take into account his “fresh new” appearance.
Jay Leno is now better prepared to serve others as a result of his experiences.
The comedian was released from the hospital on March 1 and made his first public appearance since being injured in a gasoline fire back in November.
Jay said to the show’s host, Kelly Clarkson, “Here is a fresh face,” introducing a new guest. “It is. It defies belief that anything like this could ever happen.”
Jay was working on one of his collection automobiles when the terrifying event occurred; the comic later recounted it, embellishing certain details.
He said that he had been working on a car and had gotten gasoline all over his face, which then caught fire after he bit into a Flamin’ Hot Dorito.
Jay stated the accident was “very horrible,” and he was burned to the third degree. Jay indicated his newly shaven chin and said, “You’d think there’d be a zipper here or something but nothing.”
In response to a follow-up inquiry, he elaborated, “The next big thing in comedy has been spoken about me just twice before in my life. My first exposure to this phenomenon occurred in the 1980s, and here we are again.”
Where do we stand on the details of his blunder? If nothing else, knowing that Doritos had nothing to do with it is a consolation.
On December 14th, The Tonight Show host told Hoda Kotb that the automobile they were riding in was a 1907 White Steam Vehicle. “I had to climb underneath the car to unclog the gasoline line. I told him to “blow some air into the line” since the conversation was coming across as muffled.”
And then, bam, I got a face full of gas,” Leno continued. My face was engulfed in flames when the pilot light suddenly leaped.
Fortunately, Jay’s best friend, David Killackey, was close by to administer CPR.
My best friend overheard me tell David, “David, I’m on fire,” and we both felt the same way. Jay thought back on times gone by. ” “All right,” David says in response. Not anymore, I said Dave, because I was on fire. Then a voice cried out, “Oh my goodness.” To extinguish the flames, David, a friend, dragged me aside and pounced on top of me.”
Jay drove himself home after the incident and was sent to the Los Angeles County’s Grossman Burn Center. After being an inpatient for 10 days, he was moved to the clinic’s outpatient services.
It was fortunate for Jay that he was with a buddy at the time of the occurrence, and Tim Allen even visited him in the hospital thereafter. Tim says that Jay maintained his positive attitude even while he was getting better.
Tim is heard saying, “He’s feeling better,” near the end of the video. Look it up on TMZ. “With our nature, we couldn’t help but inject some lightheartedness. We were able to find solace in one another’s sorrow.”